
I have been working to incorporate more stillness in my life. I have always appreciated the idea of stillness but I have hit up against a lot of internal resistance in the past when it comes to actually being still. But, now more than ever, my body has been telling me that I need to rest and be still. And I am listening. But change is hard. I have been so used to being in constant motion over the past 10+ years that it is hard to figure out how to slow down.

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Finding balance is an evolution of self

Balance is not something we can reach at one point in time and maintain forever; rather it is something we find over time. Finding balance in our lives is not like measuring weighted scales where you can add a little of this, take out a little of that, and come up with perfectly even sides. Things change everyday – our bodies, our thoughts, the people around us, the world in motion. Even in yoga poses, we constantly move and adjust to stay in balance. As time goes on, our idea of balance changes. What once worked may not work in the future. What works in one part of our life might not work in another. Finding balance is an evolution of self. It takes patience and perseverance but the result is always powerful.

Tree pose in the jungle:  Balancing amidst the movement of nature.