It is a common human tendency to overextend ourselves - to stretch ourselves too thin.
It can be a way of life for some people and for others just a habit that reoccurs over time or in specific situations. I have been thinking a lot about this tendency recently. For the first time in my life, I am very aware of when I am doing this (or tempted to) and have been working on allowing myself to step back and let go the desire to overextend.
There are many ways we do this. Some examples in life where we over extend ourselves can be with work, social engagements, general time commitments, staying busy, exercise and dieting, etc. We don’t allow ourselves to slow down, to rest, or to care for ourselves. The act of overextension is draining and unsustainable. We may think we are invincible and we can “rest later,” but the truth is, it takes a toll on our health and our wellbeing, if not immediately, then definitely in the long run.
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