Ok, let’s be real.
I am struggling a bit. I have barely done any Happy Heart work since I left Argentina last month. I have felt uninspired, lazy, and self indulgent. And the last thing I feel able to do is provide value to the Happy Heart Community. How can I offer inspiration when I am feeling so uninspired?
But what I am realizing is that I do not have to be the perfect model of inspiration and happiness all the time. And it is sometimes in the struggle to find truth and happiness that we can connect and relate on another level.
For me, the past month has been wonderful and challenging all at the same time. I am basically on vacation, spending time with family, visiting friends, and eating all the delicious food that exists in the US. Not too shabby, right?
On the flip side, I am having trouble keeping up with my personal practices. I don’t have the amount of alone time that I am used to and a lot of my practices thrive on alone time.
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