Life can be messy. We make plans and those plans can get derailed. Sometimes we can get frustrated when our lives don’t go according to plan, from the small inconveniences to the larger life plans or dreams.
What I am learning to lean into is: trust. Trust that life will work out even though, in the thick of it, I may not understand why things happen the way they do.
I always used to say, “Everything happens for a reason.” Now, however, I am starting to lean more toward the idea that no matter what happens, I will figure it out and I will grow from all of my experiences. I can choose to either use my experiences for good or for evil, so to speak. I can use hard times to find deeper meaning in life, to step more fully into the person I want to be. Or I can use hard times as an excuse to shutdown and tune out the world.
Every moment we are faced with choice; the choice to live a certain way, the choice to move into a place of trust when difficult things happen.
Don’t get me wrong, choice is not easy. It is hard. Knowing that we always have a choice places great responsibility on us. It takes away our ability to blame others or situations. It makes us look inward, at our own actions and reactions, to find resolution.
The truth is that we are strong and powerful. We can handle a lot. Time and time again, history has shown us that the human species is very resilient, if we choose to be. Everyone deals with pain and hardship in one-way or another.
What do you choose? How do you want to go through your life? How do you want to exist on this earth for the limited time you have?