Here is a question I have wondered about for quite some time now: What is the best approach to take when you know you want and need to be creative, but the inspiration or direction isn’t there?
Recently, this question has been really present on my mind. For the last two weeks, I haven’t felt inspired to write a new blog post. I haven’t had a direction in mind or a good idea for what I should focus on. When this happens, I always wonder if I should push myself to write something or just take a break and wait for inspiration to strike.
This time, I took the “wait and see” approach and I haven’t written a blog post for two weeks (and what I do end up writing revolves around this dilemma I am having). But I wonder if I took a more active approach and scheduled a specific time to write, maybe I would have come up with something sooner.
One way isn’t right or wrong, but perhaps one could be more effective.
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